Health, Wellbeing & Inclusion
In 2019, the team at CentreStage revised the cultural framework policy to redefine what being part of our culture looks like. It outlines the desired behaviours required to create a high performing workforce that delivers a successful world-leading theatre company. This includes strategies that build trust, transparency and accountability in all our relationships.
The Cultural Framework 2020-2025 (Framework) has been designed to embed both the cultural and employee engagement priorities outlined in the Corporate Plan and Strategic Direction. This is an ongoing commitment to our people and our Ecosystem. At Centrestage our culture is intended to support our people and participants to be the best they can, by building the environment that allows this to happen.
As a company, we are only as good as our people. Our volunteers, students, performers and staff are all valuable assets and members of our community. We like to treat them as such and part of that, is recognising the importance of our people’s health and wellbeing.
Through rebranding and a revised cultural framework, we made a pledge to work tirelessly to identify, support and accommodate the needs of our theatre community from a health perspective. In order to achieve this, we have established some integral networks to partner with – Beyond Blue and the Arts Wellbeing Collective.
CentreStage aims to promote positive health and mental health in our performance space and beyond. We acknowledge the toll that performing can take on our bodies and our minds and this is monitored closely by our team. Through education and resources, we are proud to support our people. We are constantly growing, learning and working with best practice to keep CentreStage as a safe and supportive environment for all
For more information, please contact the CentreStage Health and Wellbeing Manager: Marnie Parkinson
How to get help now.
It’s always okay to ask for help. Performing can be a physically exhausting and emotionally draining job, and you’re only human!
If you or someone you know is at immediate risk, call 000.
Support Act Wellbeing Helpline: 1800 959 500 (24/7)
BeyondBlue: 1300 22 4636 (24/7) or visit to chat online (3pm to midnight) or join an online forum
Lifeline: 13 11 14 (24/7)
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 (24/7)
QLife (LGBTQIA+): 1800 184 527 (3pm to midnight)
Mensline: 1300 789 978 (24/7)
Griefline: 1300 845 745 (12pm to 3am)
DirectLine: 1800 888 236
To get local help, we have partnered with Park Street General Practice. The Doctor's and qualified professionals at Park St understand the demands of working within the Arts as they too are creatives. For emergency appointments, please mention that you are associated with 'CentreStage'.
To book an appointment see the details below;
Park Street General Practice
Address: 16 Park St, Geelong VIC 3220
Digital Health and Wellbeing Resources
Below is a selection of Mental Health and Wellbeing resources we have curated to support Geelong performers , creatives, students and staff.